Project duration: 11./2009 – 10./2010
Client: Ministry of Culture / World Bank
Team leader: Sanja Tišma, PhD
The goal of the Project was to analyze and prepare the investment plan to the amount of 20 million Euros in the Nature Protection Sector of the Republic of Croatia during the next 5 years to help expand and support Croatia’s preparation for European Union (EU) accession. In the period from January to September 2010 analysis and assessments were made and 17 reports and proposals of activities prepared which should be funded from the NPIP project with estimated costs of planned investments. The fi ndings and recommendations of all the components that are implemented through the project were discussed and updated at 13 round tables in the protected areas in Croatia, with about 300 participants. Furthermore, two presentations of project results were organized for the general public. Based on the results of research 4 project proposals for fi nancing from EU funds were prepared: (1) Strengthening institutions for nature protection at the national and regional level related to the use of EU Structural Funds capacities, (2) Strengthening the capacity of regional administrative bodies related to the impact assessment of the Ecological Network, (3) Sustainable management of Mura and Drava river basins through the cooperation of the nature protection sector and water management sector in Croatia, (4) Raising awareness and education of farmers on regional level on NATURA 2000, the importance of preserving biodiversity and the possibilities of agri-environmental programmes in pilot areas.