Study: Analysis of the electronic publications market

Study: Analysis of the electronic publications market

Publisher: IRMO Year: 2017 The Analysis of the electronic publications market was conducted by the Institute for Development and International Relations (IRMO) after the public competition by the Agency for Electronic Media. The study analyses the electronic...
Action Plan for Climate Change Adaptation Nature Park Medvednica

Action Plan for Climate Change Adaptation Nature Park Medvednica

Authors: Sanja Tišma, Ana-Maria Boromisa, Marina Funduk, Mario Polić and employees of the Medvednica Nature Park Publishers: IRMO and for Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Year: 2017 Action Plan for Climate Change Adaptation Nature Park...
The policy paper “Contemporary Global Security Challenges”

The policy paper “Contemporary Global Security Challenges”

Authors: Sandro Knezović and Nani Klepo Publishers: Hanns Seidel Stiftung and IRMO Year: 2017 You can read the policy paper “Contemporary Global Security Challenges” that discuss the most relevant security challenges that we are facing in contemporary international...
The study “Migration Trends in Croatia”

The study “Migration Trends in Croatia”

Authors: Sandro Knezović and Maja Grošinić Publishers: Hanns-Seidel-Stviftung and IRMO Year: 2017 ISBN 978-953-95835-5-0 Zagreb, 2017 We present the study “Migration Trends in Croatia” that deals with emigration and immigration flows in Croatia, with special accent...
Study “Crossing Over: A Perspective on Croatian Open Border Issues”

Study “Crossing Over: A Perspective on Croatian Open Border Issues”

Authors: Senada Šelo Šabić and Sonja Borić Publisher: Zaklada Friedrich Ebert u Zagrebu Year: 2016 Study entitled ‘Crossing Over: A Perspective on Croatian Open Border Issues’ has been published. The study analyzes the status of border disputes that Croatia has with...
Chapter in yearbook “Central and South-Eastern Europe 2017”

Chapter in yearbook “Central and South-Eastern Europe 2017”

Authors: Nevenka Čučković  and Valentina Vučković Publisher: Routledge, London Year: 2017 The chapter presents an analysis of the most important economic indicators for the Croatian economy in 2015, and an assessment of economic outlook for 2016 and 2017. The analysis...
Chapter in the book “Eurocepticism in Small EU Member States”

Chapter in the book “Eurocepticism in Small EU Member States”

Editor: Karlis Bukovskis Author of chapter: Višnja Samardžija Title of chapter: How Euroscepticism in Croatia? Publisher: Latvian Institute of International Affairs Year: 2016 ISBN 978-9984-583-81-5 The book published by Latvian Institute for International Relations...
IRMO Occasional Papers “Innovation and Access to Finance”

IRMO Occasional Papers “Innovation and Access to Finance”

For the publisher: Sanja Tišma, PhD, Director Editorial Board: Ana-Maria Boromisa, PhD,  Nevenka Čučković, PhD, Krešimir Jurlin, PhD ISSN 1849-0220 This issue brings a text  written by Michele Cincera, , PhD and Anabela Santos from Solvay Brussels School of Economics...
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