European Integration and Constitutional Law

European Integration and Constitutional Law

Author: Siniša Rodin Publisher: IRMO Year: 1997 ISBN 953-6096-08-0 The starting assumption of this book is that processes which have the impact on the formation of constitutional orders of the European Union Members States do not develop merely within national arenas,...
Economic aspects of Croatia’s integration into the European Union

Economic aspects of Croatia’s integration into the European Union

Editor: Višnja Samardžija Publisher: IRMO Year: 1997 ISBN 953-6096-11-0 The Proceedings, published jointly by the Institute and Trans European Policy Studies Association – TEPSA from Brussels is a result of the IRMO – TEPSA international Conference Economic Aspects of...
ECU and Monetary Integration in Europe

ECU and Monetary Integration in Europe

Author: Tamara Ćapeta Publisher: IRMO Year: 1995 ISBN 953-6096-05-6 By signing and ratifying the Treaty on European Union, the Member States of the European Community have decided to enhance their economic integration by adding a common monetary policy and a single...
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