The special issue of the Media Studies journal

The special issue of the Media Studies journal

Editors of the special issue: Jaka Primorac, Paško Bilić. Aleksandra Uzelac Publisher: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Political Science Year: 2022. ISSN 1847-9758 (tisak) e-ISSN 1848-5030 (online) The special issue of Media Studies journal on the topic of...
The special issue of the Media Studies journal has been published

The special issue of the Media Studies journal has been published

The special issue of Media Studies journal on the topic of platformisation has been published online at the  journal website and the website of the Hrčak portal, the central portal of Croatian Open Access scientific journals. The special issue has been developed...
Climate Diplomacy: Challenges for the Future

Climate Diplomacy: Challenges for the Future

The January 2023 edition of the IRMO Brief, authored by Marija Pujo Tadić, deals with the Climate Diplomacy. The reality of climate change will require a thorough adjustment in the conduct of international relations and will also change the focus of international...
Daniela Angelina Jelinčić published a new chapter in the book

Daniela Angelina Jelinčić published a new chapter in the book

IRMO researcher Daniela Angelina Jelinčić from the Department of Culture and Communications published a chapter entitled “Stress for the Wellbeing Sectors: Paradox of Culture and Tourism in the COVID-19 times ” in the book Tourism Recovery from COVID-19:...
A new article published in the European Journal of Geography

A new article published in the European Journal of Geography

IRMO researchers Daniela Angelina Jelinčić and Sanja Tišma published an original scientific article in the journal European Journal of Geography, which is referenced in the Scopus database. The article entitled “Tourism Innovation in the Adriatic-Ionian Region:...
New issue of SEE-6 Economic Outlook

New issue of SEE-6 Economic Outlook

The new issue of SEE-6 Economic Outlook (Vol. 8, No. 2, December 2022) brings an overview of developments in the Croatian economy in 2022 as well as medium-term projections of economic growth for 2023-2025. The author of this section of the publication is Nevenka...
Monitoring Media Pluralism in the digital era – MPM year 4

Monitoring Media Pluralism in the digital era – MPM year 4

Project duration: 1/12/2022 – 15/7/2023 Client: European Commissan Project manager: Paško Bilić, PhD The Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom (CMPF) of the European University Institute in Florence, Italy is in charge of coordinating the collection and...
Leadership Academy for CSOs

Leadership Academy for CSOs

Project duration: 16/2/2022 – 15/8/2023 Client: European Commission, European Social Fund – ESF Team leader: Senada Šelo Šabić, PhD Within the project, a survey was conducted on the state and needs of civil society organizations in the field of leadership in...
Reclaiming Liberal Democracy in the Postfactual Age (RECLAIM)

Reclaiming Liberal Democracy in the Postfactual Age (RECLAIM)

Project duration: 10/2022. – 10/2025. Client: HORIZON-RIA (CL2-2021-DEMOCRACY-01), European Commission Project coordinator: University of Iceland (UI) Reykjavik Project partners: Institute for Development and International Relations (IRMO) Zagreb Institute of...
Mobility ImPACT on Transport Workers (MIPACT)

Mobility ImPACT on Transport Workers (MIPACT)

Project duration: 05/2022 – 06/2024 Funding: EU Project manager: FEDERAZIONE AUTONOMA DEI SINDACATI DEI TRASPORTI, Italy, with IRMO in project implementation partners from Spain, Greece, Poland, Norway and Belgium Program: European Social Fund (ESF), Call:...
New Public Culture and Spaces of Sociability

New Public Culture and Spaces of Sociability

Source of financing: European Social Fund – ESF Project coordinator: Klubtura Association of Associations Project duration: October 29, 2020 – October 29, 2023 The coordinator of the project: Ana Žuvela, PhD a) setting up the research methodology and...
Climate and operation

Climate and operation

Project duration: 16.04.2022.– 16.02.2023. Client: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Project manager: Ana-Maria Boromisa, PhD An analysis of the effects of climate change (e.g. reduction of precipitation, especially in summer), mitigation measures (cessation of fossil fuel...
Inequalities, Community Resilience and New Governance Modalities in a Post-Pandemic World

Innovative approaches to culture research – IPIK

Project duration: 2019 – 2023 Client: Ministry of Science and Education Team leader: Daniela Angelina Jelinčić, PhD In accordance with the objectives of the IPIK project, in 2023, the members of the project team were engaged in researching topics that observe the...
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