Poziv za prijave na međunarodnu ljetnu školu


Political Economies of the Media. Theories and Methods

Napredni poslijediplomski tečaj

Šibenik, 9. – 12. rujna 2025.

Pozvani predavači:

  • Micky Lee, Sveučilište Suffolk, SAD
  • Mandy Troeger, Sveučilište Tuebingen, Njemačka

Ravnatelji tečaja:

  • Thomas Allmer, Paderborn Sveučilište, Njemačka
  • Paško Bilić, IRMO
  • Benjamin Birkinbine, Sveučiište Wisconsin, SAD
  • Jernej Amon Prodnik, Sveučilište u Ljubljani, Slovenija
  • Jaka Primorac, IRMO
  • Toni Prug, Sveučilište u Rijeci
  • Aleksander Slaček-Brlek, Sveučilište u Ljubljani, Slovenija

ECTS akreditacija:

Sveučilište u Ljubljani, Slovenija (10 ECTS bodova za doktorske studente po uspješnom završetku tečaja)

Opis tečaja (engleski):

The media are central institutions of modern societies, providing channels for corporate and political control and public space for disseminating and consuming communication on systemic changes in politics, culture, and economics to the public. The media underwent massive restructuring through neoliberal policies in the 1970s. Introducing new communication technologies such as satellite and cable television, internet, and web platforms went hand in hand with market liberalisation and communication commercialisation. The multiplication of channels and media outlets was accompanied by concentration and centralisation of ownership. Recently, large transnational digital platforms have solidified their position as core companies within contemporary capitalism, restructuring the distribution of media advertising investments, speeding up the circulation of capital, automating global consumption patterns, avoiding national taxes, and siphoning revenues to offshore entities. At the same time, they benefit from automated management of their diversified and essentially precarious workforces of content moderators, warehouse workers, and gig workers, as well as from software inputs from free and open source communities (FLOSS) communities.

The rise of platforms reshapes traditional institutional mechanisms that broadly safeguard freedom of expression, media pluralism, and public interests. An open political issue is how these mechanisms will be reconsidered and how private interests will shape markets and societies. Alternatives are envisioned in areas ranging from platform cooperatives and commons projects to strategic calls for technological sovereignty and public wealth creation. However, such initiatives usually need broader political support from the public already accustomed to the commercial logic of the media. The commodification of everyday life through data capture, surveillance and privacy intrusion is easily dismissed by citizens as a minor side effect of free usage and flexibility of ubiquitous digital services.

This biennial course aims to explore traditional (e.g. ownership, production, content, consumption, labour, regulation) and contemporary (e.g. algorithms, platforms, data, artificial intelligence) perspectives on the media from the lens of critical political economy. The course will explore how capital and the state(s) control, regulate and form the media (broadly conceived as ranging from traditional printed press to algorithms and software) in societies shaped by persistent social inequalities. The level of analysis can vary from macro phenomena of geopolitics, transnational, national and institutional dynamics, through mid-range phenomena of the structure(s) of the public sphere(s) to micro-phenomena of class-based conditions shaping inequalities of access and skill for using the media in everyday life and for work.

The course will include presentations from keynote speakers and course directors and presentations by advanced MA and PhD students. Through lectures and discussions with international experts, students will gain in-depth knowledge about recent communication, media, and journalism developments from a critical political economy perspective. Methods and analytical tools commonly used in the approach will be explained and discussed. Presentation of the research papers (considered work in progress) will lead to comprehensive feedback that will help students develop their projects further and result in publishable academic writing. Discussions will be carried out collaboratively, with reciprocal assessment by students.

Lokacija ljetne škole:

Tvrđava svetog Ivana izgrađena je 1646. godine u samo 58 dana kao glavna točka novog obrambenog sustava grada neposredno prije velikog napada osmanske vojske. Stanovnici grada izgradili su tvrđavu svojim rukama i sredstvima, a ime je dobila po crkvi koja se tu nekad nalazila. Obnova tvrđave završena je 2022. godine, potpuno su obnovljeni bedemi i uvedene nove značajke, uključujući podzemni kampus ispod tzv. kliješta, sjevernog dijela tvrđave. Kampus je opremljen interaktivnim učionicama, spavaćim sobama i konferencijskim sobama. Više informacija dostupno je na: https://www.tvrdjava-kulture.hr/en/st-johns-tvrđava/plan-vašeg-posjeta/


  • Tečaj je otvoren za napredne studente poslijediplomskih studija. Molimo zainteresirane da pošalju svoj životopis (najviše dvije stranice), naslov i prošireni sažetak svoje prezentacije (najviše dvije stranice s referencama) do 1. travnja 2025. na e-mail adresu: political.economies.of.the.media@gmail.com
  • Ravnatelji tečaja će napraviti rang listu prijava. Konačne odluke o prihvaćanju bit će poslane do 1. svibnja 2025.
  • Prihvaćeni kandidati bit će pozvani da pošalju rukopise od 6 do 9000 riječi do 1. srpnja 2025. Nakon završetka tečaja, bit će potaknuti da pošalju svoje dorađene rukopise na recenziju u međunarodnom recenziranom časopisu iz područja političke ekonomije.
  • Napomena: samo doktorandi mogu dobiti 10 ECTS bodova po završetku tečaja, što podrazumijeva predani znanstveni rad, prezentaciju rada i aktivno sudjelovanje u raspravama (više informacija bit će objavljeno na web stranici tečaja).
  • Napominjemo da svi sudionici plaćaju kotizaciju od 60 eura. Bit će dostupan ograničen broj djelomičnih stipendija. Ako trebate podršku za sudjelovanje, naznačite to u svojoj prijavi.
  • Sve dodatne pojedinosti o tečaju bit će dostupne na http://www.poleconmed.net/
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