CIRR in Scopus

CIRR in Scopus

Croatian International Relations Review (CIRR) is now being indexed by Scopus, a respected bibliographic academicdatabase. CIRR publishes articles from the fields of political science, sociology, law and economics. The inclusion in Scopus reflects efforts invested in...
Call for papers Croatian International Relations Review (CIRR)

Call for papers Croatian International Relations Review (CIRR)

Croatian International Relations Review sada prima radove za ljetno izdanje 2017. godine. CIRR je interdisciplinarni znanstveni časopis, kojega na engleskom jeziku izdaje Institut za razvoj i međunarodne odnose od 1995. godine. Tematski je posvećen društvenim...
New scientific paper indexed in the SCOPUS database

New scientific paper indexed in the SCOPUS database

Damir Demonja, Ph.D., a Research Adviser, from the Department of International Economic and Political Relations at the Institute for Development and International Relations (IRMO), Zagreb, along with the co-author Pavlo Ružić, Ph.D., a Research Adviser from the...
Strategy Development for the City of Slatina

Strategy Development for the City of Slatina

Institute for Development and International Relations at the contest got the job Strategy Development for the City of Slatina. On Thursday, 11th of June, held the first working meeting of representatives of the City of Slatina and IRMO’s. The meeting also set forth...
Grant award certificate for the project ForestEye

Grant award certificate for the project ForestEye

On Wednesday, May 21, 2015 in Mostar was held at Grant Award Ceremonyt for projects that have received funding from the EU under the third call of the IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Croatian and Bosnia and Herzegovina 2007 to 2013. There are eight projects...
Research scholarship for researcher of Institute

Research scholarship for researcher of Institute

Daniela Angelina Jelinčić, PhD, has been awarded the New Central Europe II fellowship program research scholarship at the Institute for Social and European Studies (ISES) in Köszeg, Hungary for the research “Social innovations – innovations in culture”. The aim of the...
Czech diplomatic delegation visited IRMO

Czech diplomatic delegation visited IRMO

A diplomatic delegation from the Czech Republic visited IRMO on 6 May 2015. Mr. Jaroslav Ludva, Junior Deputy Foreign Minister, Mr. Martin Košatka, Ambassador of the Czech Republic in Croatia and Mr. Juraj Varga, the First Secretary at the Embassy discussed several...
Participation in research

Participation in research

IRMO is one of 28 research institutions which, during the next year, will attempt to explain to the citizens of the EU topics within a broader debate on the challenges facing the EU. For instance, how do the citizens of various member states look upon how the economic...
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