Welcome? Challenges of integrating asylum migrants in Croatia

Welcome? Challenges of integrating asylum migrants in Croatia

Authors: Senada Šelo Šabić, Saša Čvrljak and Vedrana Baričević Publisher: IRMO Year: 2011 This policy brief analyzes asylum politics in Croatia, both at the level of practice and at the level of legal and normative standards. The goal is to examine the issue of asylum...
Networks: The Evolving Aspects of Culture in the 21st Century

Networks: The Evolving Aspects of Culture in the 21st Century

Editor: Biserka Cvjetičanin Publisher: Culturelink/IRMO Year: 2011, 282 pp. ISBN 978-953-6096-57-2 With this book, Culturelink marks twenty years of its continuous networking and research activities in cultural development, cultural policies, intercultural...
Context Analysis of the Security Sector Reform in Croatia 1989-2009

Context Analysis of the Security Sector Reform in Croatia 1989-2009

Authors: Sandro Knezović and Mladen Staničić Publisher: IRMO Year: 2011 This publication is as a product of IRMO researchers within the ‘Civil Society Capacity Building to Map and Monitor Security Sector Reform in the Western Balkans’ project which is financially...
Analysis of regional capacities for absorption of EU funds

Analysis of regional capacities for absorption of EU funds

Author: Jakša Puljiz Publisher: IRMO Year: 2011 ISBN 978-953-6096-55-8 The study contains the results of the research on the capacity of county institutions to participate effectively in absorption of EU funds. It combines the results of the survey analysis with...
LIGHT OR DARKNESS: The Concept of Man-Energy, the View from Brussels

LIGHT OR DARKNESS: The Concept of Man-Energy, the View from Brussels

Authors: Carlo Corazza in cooperation with Alfredo Višković Publishers: Lider Press, IRMO Year: 2010 ISBN 978-953-7724-04-7 The book deals with the third energy package of the European Union and the relationships between climate and energy policy. It represents a...
Culture / multiculture

Culture / multiculture

Editor: Nada Švob-Đokić Publisher: Naklada Jesenski i Turk, Hrvatsko sociološko društvo Year: 2010. This publication is available only in...
Culture, tourism, inter-culturalism

Culture, tourism, inter-culturalism

Authors: Daniela Angelina Jelinčić, Deana Gulišija, Janko Bekić Publishers: IRMO, Meandar Year: 2010. This publication is available only in...
From the Lisbon Strategy to Europe 2020

From the Lisbon Strategy to Europe 2020

Editors: Višnja Samardžija and Hrvoje Butković Publisher: IRMO Year: 2010 ISBN 978-953-6096-53-4 The book From the Lisbon Strategy to Europe 2020 has been issued with the support of the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Croatia. It represents joint...
ABC of Cultural Tourism

ABC of Cultural Tourism

Author: Daniela Angelina Jelinčić Publisher: MEANDARMEDIA Years: 2008. ; 2009. II. Edition ISBN 978-953-7355-18-0 This publication is available only in...
Communicating Integration Impacts in Croatia and Ireland

Communicating Integration Impacts in Croatia and Ireland

Editors: Višnja Samardžija and Alan Dukes Publishers: Institute for International Relations, IMO, Zagreb and Institute for International and European Affairs, IIEA, Dublin Year; 2008 ISBN 978-953-6096-45-9 The book Communicating Integration Impacts in Croatia and...
Digital culture: the changing dynamics

Digital culture: the changing dynamics

Editors: Aleksandra Uzelac and Biserka Cvjetičanin Publisher: IRMO Year: 2008 ISBN 978-953-6096-46-6 Digital culture is a new complex notion: today digital trends are increasingly interloping with the world of culture and arts, involving different aspects of...
Annual Report on Croatian Competitiveness 2006

Annual Report on Croatian Competitiveness 2006

Editors: Krešimir Jurlin, Slavo Radošević and Mira Lenardić Publisher: Nacionalno vijeće za konkurentnost Year: 2007 This publication is available only in Croatian. Report: Annual Report on Croatian Competitiveness 2006 (in...
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