A Workers’ Guide in Croatia’s Digital Economy

A Workers’ Guide in Croatia’s Digital Economy

Author: Hrvoje Butković Publisher: Institute for Development and International Relations – IRMO Year: 2019 ISBN 978-953-6096-88-6 The Institute for Development and International Relations – IRMO has published A Workers’ Guide in Croatia’s Digital Economy written...
The Digital Transformation of the Labour Market in Croatia

The Digital Transformation of the Labour Market in Croatia

Authors: Hrvoje Butković and Višnja Samardžija Publisher: Institute for Development and International Relations – IRMO Year: 2019 The Institute for Development and International Relations – IRMO has published the bilingual (English and Croatian) book written by...
Study “Croatian Foreign Policy in 3D”

Study “Croatian Foreign Policy in 3D”

Institute for Development and International Relations, in cooperation  with the Zagreb Office of the Hanns Sediel Foundation, has conducted the project Croatian Foreign Policy in 3D, encompassing the research and the resulting study on Croatian foreign policy towards...
Study “Croatian Foreign Policy in 3D”

Study “Croatian Foreign Policy in 3D”

Authors: Sandro Knezović and Nani Klepo Publisher: IRMO and Hanns Sediel Foundation Year: 2017 ISBN 978-953-95835-8-1 Institute for Development and International Relations, in cooperation  with the Zagreb Office of the Hanns Sediel Foundation, has conducted the...
Croatian International Relations Review – CIRR 79

Croatian International Relations Review – CIRR 79

Editor in Chief: Senada Šelo Šabić Assistant Editors: Paško Bilić, Ivana Keser, Mario Pallua Publisher: IRMO Year: 2017 ISSN 1848-5782 Josip Glaurdić analyzes the relationship between Croatia and the United Kingdom from Croatia’s independence to Brexit, Ana Bojinović...
CIRR Special Issue on China’s Belt and Road Initiative published

CIRR Special Issue on China’s Belt and Road Initiative published

Editor in Chief: Senada Šelo Šabić Guest Co-Editor: Vlad Alex Vernygora Assistant Editors: Paško Bilić, Ivana Keser, Mario Pallua Publisher: IRMO Year: 2017 ISSN 1848-5782 Special Issue of Croatian International Relations Review (CIRR) (Vol. 23 No. 78) on “China’s...
Action Plan for Climate Change Adaptation National Park Risnjak

Action Plan for Climate Change Adaptation National Park Risnjak

Authors: Miljenko Gašparec, Dragan Turk, Sanja Tišma, Ana-Maria Boromisa, Marina Funduk, Sanja Tišma Publishers: IRMO and Fond za zaštitu okoliša i energetsku učinkovitost Year: 2017. Action Plan for Climate Change Adaptation National Park...
Study: Analysis of the electronic publications market

Study: Analysis of the electronic publications market

Publisher: IRMO Year: 2017 The Analysis of the electronic publications market was conducted by the Institute for Development and International Relations (IRMO) after the public competition by the Agency for Electronic Media. The study analyses the electronic...
Action Plan for Climate Change Adaptation Nature Park Medvednica

Action Plan for Climate Change Adaptation Nature Park Medvednica

Authors: Sanja Tišma, Ana-Maria Boromisa, Marina Funduk, Mario Polić and employees of the Medvednica Nature Park Publishers: IRMO and for Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Year: 2017 Action Plan for Climate Change Adaptation Nature Park...
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