Chapter in yearbook “Central and South-Eastern Europe 2020”

Chapter in yearbook “Central and South-Eastern Europe 2020”

Authors: Nevenka Čučković  and Valentina Vučković Publisher: Routledge, London Year: 2020 A chapter on Croatian economy in the Yearbook “Central and South-Eastern Europe 2020” brings analyses of number of macroeconomic indicators for the Croatian economy achieved in...
SEE-6 Economic Outlook

SEE-6 Economic Outlook

Author: Nevenka Čučković Year of issue: 2019 ISSN 1849-8817  New issue of SEE – 6 Economic Outlook (Vol. 5 No. 1, 2019) brings a chapter on Croatian economy written by Nevenka Čučković, PhD from IRMO. SEE-6 Economic Outlook is a biannual publication in English...
A Workers’ Guide in Croatia’s Digital Economy

A Workers’ Guide in Croatia’s Digital Economy

Author: Hrvoje Butković Publisher: Institute for Development and International Relations – IRMO Year: 2019 ISBN 978-953-6096-88-6 The Institute for Development and International Relations – IRMO has published A Workers’ Guide in Croatia’s Digital Economy written...
The Digital Transformation of the Labour Market in Croatia

The Digital Transformation of the Labour Market in Croatia

Authors: Hrvoje Butković and Višnja Samardžija Publisher: Institute for Development and International Relations – IRMO Year: 2019 The Institute for Development and International Relations – IRMO has published the bilingual (English and Croatian) book written by...
he Digital 3 Seas Initiative – Mapping the Challenges to Overcome

he Digital 3 Seas Initiative – Mapping the Challenges to Overcome

Institute for Development and International Relations (IRMO) is taking part in the ”3 Seas Digital Highway” project, within which a report under the title ”The Digital 3 Seas Initiative – Mapping the Challenges to Overcome” was published. Senior Associate at IRMO...
Article “Media, Social Ontology and Intentionality”

Article “Media, Social Ontology and Intentionality”

Paško Bilić,PhD, Research Associate from the Department for Culture and Communication, published an article titled Media, Social Ontology and Intentionality: Notes from Meta-Theoretical Borders in the Javnost – The Public indexed in the Web of Science (Social Science...
Chapter in yearbook “Central and South-Eastern Europe 2019”

Chapter in yearbook “Central and South-Eastern Europe 2019”

Authors: Nevenka Čučković  and Valentina Vučković Editor: Imogen Gladman  Publisher: Routledge, London Year: 2019 The chapter on Croatian economy in the Yearbook “Central and South-Eastern Europe 2019” brings an analysis of the most important economic indicators for...
Analysis of media reports during the refugee crisis

Analysis of media reports during the refugee crisis

Author: Paško Bilić Journal: The Political Economy of Communication Publisher:  International Association of Media Communication Research (IAMCR) ISSN 2357-1705 Paško Bilić, PhD, published an article in the international journal The Political Economy of Communication,...
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